Saturday, February 7, 2009

S&P Earnings Just Keep Falling, and It's Going to Get Worse in Q1 and Q2!

In his latest newsletter released last night, John Mauldin takes a look forward into 2009 and beyond. He also looks at his previous forecasts for the past two years. What stood out to me was his interview with Howard Silverblat from Standard and Poors, whose responsibility it is to compile the data on earnings for the S&P 500 companies. No one should know these companies and their earnings better! Mauldin says the following of his interview with Silverblat:
I have been writing about analyst earnings forecasts for some time. Earnings forecasts just keep dropping...
I commented on how bad earnings were last quarter. The web site shows earnings were a negative $3.14 a share, the first time they have ever been negative for a quarter. Ever! That was with 65% of companies reporting. He commented that it was worse than that. They don't have it up yet, but with 78% of companies reporting, losses are now a staggering -$8.56 a share. And it could get worse. The write-offs this quarter are just huge.
So, how does that affect total earnings for 2008? The table above shows analyst projections from March of 2007 through today. Notice how they kept falling over time. They are now down 70% from what was expected two years ago. Earnings for 2008 are a paltry $29.57 and dropping. The S&P 500 closed at 868.60. That makes the P/E (price to earnings) ratio 29.4. (I use a decimal to show I have a sense of humor.)
So, what are they projecting for 2009? Let's take a look. Notice that they too have been falling over time.
If the S&P 500 were to close where it is today, and using the estimates for the first two quarters of 2009, the P/E ratio would be 36.4 on July 1.

But what if earnings merely fall to where they were in the last recession, or about 55-60% of where the projections are today? That would drop the 12-month trailing earnings for the four quarters ending June 30 to $15.90 and result in a nose-bleed P/E of 54.7 by the middle of the year.

If earnings don't come in dramatically better for the first quarter as opposed to last quarter, we could be setting up for a nasty summer bear market. Even in the bear market of 2001-2, the P/E did not get above 47. Which, by the way, at a 47 multiple would correspond to a range for the S&P of either 1111 if the earnings come in as projected or 731 if they come in at the lower range.

I see nothing on the horizon which suggests the economy is going to get manifestly stronger in the next two quarters. The real risk is that earnings come in weak for both quarters and investors simply despair this summer, throwing in the towel and bringing about a vicious bear market. I would seriously consider hedging any long positions you have before earnings season this next April. If they come in stronger, then we will see.

The above is only an excerpt of the entire newsletter. Italics were added by me to emphasize important points. It is all fascinating, and worth reading once each week.

Click here for an online copy of this edition of the newsletter.

John Mauldin, Best-Selling author and recognized financial expert, is also editor of the free Thoughts From the Frontline that goes to over 1 million readers each week. For more information on John or his FREE weekly economic letter go to:

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