Friday, January 4, 2008

Commodity Super Cycle reignited by Fed

I have placed a link below in this post to a fantastic article written by Gary Dorsch, a brilliant analyst and writer in the financial markets. The chart at right is one of several in his article that powerfully communicates the compelling and robust inverse relationship between the US Dollar weakness and global commodities prices. He writes the Global Money Trends newsletter, and authored this lengthy but cogent article on Seeking Alpha. The main thrust of his article is also underscored by this very powerful chart (above right) that I copied from his article. This is one of the finest articles I've read for some time. It is a must read article to be found here:

Commodity Super Cycle: Ready to Rumble in 2008

Enjoy all, and make sure you let Gary know how much you appreciate the effort to write such a superb article with so many charts, facts, figures, etc. Excellent stuff!