Friday, December 14, 2007

U.S. Government deficits on the rise again

Here is some news that hardly makes the media reports, but it's true. Beginning about 3 months ago, the U.S. government has begun to report that budget deficits are rising again. If Congress and the President don't pull out the budget scalpel or raise taxes, the deficits will rise even faster. I haven't heard either seriously talk about cutting the size of government!

Republicans and Democrats BOTH to blame!

While I am politically conservative, and believe generally that less government is better government, Congress and the President are going to have to start cutting spending dramatically or else taxes will have to be raised. Let the record show that I prefer the former. This fiscal ship is heading into a financial tsunami, and no one wants to take responsibility for it. Both Republicans and Democrats are more concerned about maintaining or obtaining greater power than doing what's best for the Republic or the American people.

The Republicans abandoned their principles for the sake of power, and they have now lost both. It's no coincidence!
The Democrats have always believed they have a right to take what belongs to other people, for which there is never an excuse.

I'm disgusted with them all.

Stealing is still stealing whether by hand or by vote!

Why is it that if someone takes the property of someone else with their hands, we call it "stealing" and send them to prison. However, if we hide behind our vote and steal someone else's property via a corrupt politician, we applaud the politician and name freeways and buildings after them. It's still stealing, either way! It's still coveting property of another, either way. I doubt if our Maker is so deceived.

The Founders knew and provided for appropriate government

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If `Thou shalt not covet' and `Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." -- John Adams (A Defense of the American Constitutions, 1787)

Wise man, that John Adams! We would do well to learn from him and the other Founders. They were wise men, all! God bless their hallowed names!

The Founders also provided for effective and limited government, as well as appropriate and sufficient revenues for that limited government in the Constitution, but we have proudly abrogated that precious document and destroyed the Republic they gave us, until now, I believe it hangs by a thread. There will be hell to pay!