Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Putin Sends in the Chechen Goons!

Russia Lost the Georgian War

As long as Putin's Russia continues it brutal invasion of Georgia, I will continue to post short updates on the status.

The Kremlin KGB Kings have sent Muslim Chechen gangsters into Georgia to brutalize and terrorize the Georgian people, despite the fact that they signed an agreement to withdraw one week ago. These mercenaries are so brutal in their conquests that even the Chechen puppet President begged Moscow to disband them. Putin refused. We also know that they are on the ground in Georgia because photos from the Kremlin of these thugs showed them on Russian armored personnel carriers with their battalion ID painted on the equipment.

We also now know that when Putin left Beijing suddenly, he was headed directly for the front lines of Russia's invasion of Georgia. He is personally directing the brutality and humiliation. Photos and video from Russia's state media showed Putin personally directing the invasion at the front. Since when is that in the job description of a Prime Minister, Mr. Putin? That has all the appearances of a dictator, not a diplomat!

Additionally, press photos yesterday also showed Georgian troops taken hostage by the Russians and hauled away blindfolded into Russia as political prisoners! Photos also showed the Russians stealing American Humvees owned by the Georgian military, and taking them into Russia also. They are now adding plunder and pillage to their war crimes!

We in the West had better wake up to realize that the bloodlust for power of the Kremlin KGB King will not long be contained within Russia's borders. Putin and his puppet-dog Medvedev will become more and more brazen and aggressive until they are checked. Europe is so worried about the oil and gas pipelines that they are being blinded by their need. If they don't establish their independence quickly, they will eventually wake up licking the feet of Putin, and being grateful for the privilege.

Vladimir Putin has the West's number. He knows how to manipulate the UN to block all diplomatic efforts to check his military conquests. He has repeatedly blocked all UN efforts to bring a halt to Iran's nuclear efforts. And he understands the weaknesses of Europe's desire for diplomacy better than Europe understands him. He humiliated President Sarkozy of France, agreeing to a ceasefire and withdrawal, and ignoring them as soon as the ink was dry.