Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Fed Is Pandering to Stock Market. That Spells B-U-B-B-L-E!

I thought this was an interesting insight this morning from Bill Blain at Morning Porridge.
"US employment is at a high, the labour market is tightening, there is minimal real inflation and the stock market is off to the races because the Fed says its ready to ease if trade tensions impact the stock market economy.
"In 35 years of markets, this is perhaps the stupidest moment I’ve ever seen.
"There is a danger Powell et al seem are confusing the Dow and S&P for the health of the economy, thereby making the Fed complicit in the ultimate market distortion that’s being going on since someone dreamt up QE. The World’s most important central bank is missing the point completely, and more or less promising to bail out stock markets if Trade Tension causes them to weaken."

One of the chief characteristics of a bubble is that everyone dismisses risk. Heeeeere we go again!