a Bloomberg article today, former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan says that
Janet Yellen, Obama's new proposed Fed Chair, was his primary
inspiration for monetary and economic policy, presenting him regularly
with "various new theories /that/ were coming up and the like in
academia". Greenspan was and is so entranced with Yellen's "new
theories" and "academia" that he fully endorses his beloved inspiration
source as the next Fed Chair.
But do these people ever consider that
the latest fad and "new economic theory" may be WRONG? That it may be
incomplete? That it may even be destructive? That it may bring a
disaster? Does it ever occur to them that these "theories" may be overly simplistic, or that they may ignore the complexities of millions of people acting independently, and often irrationally (contrary to the latest "theory")? NO! To them, it's just a new toy or tool to use on US and the US economy as
their latest guinea pig to experiment on!
"Greenspan's put", as
it was called at the time, was likely the primary cause of the housing
bubble, and when it collapsed, the housing crisis and resulting Great
Recession. But does he show even a hint of remorse for what he did? No!
many people lost their jobs and therefore livelihoods because of the Greenspan/Yellen
penchant for playing with the latest "new economic theory" that resulted
in catastrophic collapse? How many people lost their homes? How many
people's lives were ruined because of his obsession with the latest
economic toy from the ivory towers of academia? Greenspan is still in
denial of his mistakes and the resulting chaos he brought. Worse still,
he is unapologetic, and thinks that Yellen, his economic playmate in his
science experiments, should now be empowered to play with us, by
putting their pattycake experimentation on steroids!
should remember that theory is not proven reality, but Greenspan became
so dependent on Yellen presenting him with the latest THEORY --
unproven by time, peer review, or experience -- that he gleefully
accepted all those new theories and would often use them to experiment
on the US economy!
I've said before that these Fed execs are like
a bunch of teenagers who received a chemistry set for Christmas, and
are so blind to their power that they keep experimenting with the
chemicals until they blow up the house!
I remember in the 1970s
occasionally hearing news stories about teens who received chemistry
sets from their parents for Christmas. They would then experiment with
them endlessly, creating bigger and bigger explosions, until they would
inevitably blow up their parents' house! Eventually, those chemistry
sets were deemed too dangerous and were banned from hobby stores and
relegated to controlled labs and schools where supervision could be
Now we have elitist academics who think they are so
smart that they should have unlimited power to experiment upon all of
us, just like the out-of-control teenager in those former news stories
of yesteryear. And these out-of-control central bankers are just as
blind to their hubris, as those teenagers who destroyed their parents'
homes decades ago.