Thursday, July 16, 2009

"the truth of all things"

Moroni 10:5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

"all things" -- this would include how to place trades, which trades to take, etc. I ask for the spirit of discernment to find and take the best trades. I also ask for the courage to take them without hesitation.

"You have your agency, and inspiration does not -- perhaps cannot -- flow unless you ask for it, or someone asks for you.
No message in scripture is repeated more often than the invitation, even the command, to pray -- to ask.
Prayer is so essential a part of revelation that without it the veil may remain closed to you. Learn to pray. Pray often. Pray in your mind, in your heart. Pray on your knees."

President Boyd K. Packer, Personal Revelation:The Gift, the Test, and the Promise, Ensign (CR), November 1994, p.59

I need to pray for success! I need to pray for courage to take trades. I need to pray for discernment to see and find good trades! I need to pray for help with hesitation. I need to pray for faith!

But that is not enough. Elder Packer also said:

But that is not all. To one who thought that revelation would flow without effort, the Lord said:

“You have not understood; you have supposed that I would give it unto you, when you took no thought save it was to ask me." Ibid

Young people, carry a prayer in your heart always. Let sleep come every night with your mind centered in prayer.

(Elder Boyd K. Packer, Prayers and Answers, Ensign (CR), November 1979, p.19)