Monday, November 24, 2008

The Mother of All Bubbles Is Building!

The Mother of all Bubbles is building. This bubble is the largest in human history, and when it pops, everyone will be affected. It will cause market mayhem and a run for the exists the likes of which has never been seen before. What is it?

"The American government bonds are the world’s last bubble and the price of commodities has to increase." Jim Rogers, famous investor and commodity guru

The Mother of All Bubbles is U.S. Government debt!

There is no such thing as bankruptcy for an entire country. There is no International Bankruptcy Court. Bankruptcy for a nation is done by monetizing the debt of that country. It is done by creating monstrous amounts of new money with the intent of inflating a nation's way out of a crisis. Sound familiar? It should! It has been done by other nations in the past, including the Roman Empire, the Weimar Republic, and in Zimbabwe today. We're in the early stages of that phenomenon now here in the United States. We have created the Mother of All Bubbles!