Saturday, March 28, 2009

Best of Dr. Brett for 2007

Here are the top posts from the second quarter of 2007; first quarter can be found here, and 2006 is here:

Trading Techniques

Visiting a World Class Trader

When Coaching Works and Doesn't Work

Trading and Poker

Changing Your Self-Talk

Information Processing Biases in Trading

What to Do If You're Losing Money

The Most Dangerous Word in Traders' Vocabulary

Performance Anxiety

Handling Performance Pressures, Part Two

Solution-Focused Linkfest

Finding a Trading Coach

Short-Term Market Transitions

When Coaching Doesn't Work - Part One, Part Two

Assessing Trader Personality

Heroic Dimensions of Trading

Becoming Your Own Coach

Trading Transitional Structures

Trading Discipline

Attribution and Cognitive Bias

Trade Like a Scientist - Part One, Part Two, Part Three

What Makes a Trader's Marriage Work

How Can I Learn Trading?

Assessing Your Strengths

Therapy for the Mentally Well

The First Steps of Brief Change

Becoming the Actor of Your Ideals

Programming Your Experience

Four Qualities of Successful Traders

My Trading Framework

Coaching Yourself to Let Profits Run

Personality and Trading Performance

Personality Questionnaire for Traders

Interpreting the Personality Questionnaire

Subjective Well-Being and Trading

Improving Well-Being

Transforming Stress Into Well-Being

Good Trade Execution

Keys to Trading Success

Tracking Large Traders in the Markets

Identifying and Trading Breakout Moves

Somatic Markers and Trading Decisions

Five Guiding Principles of Trading Psychology

Best Practices in Trading

Resilience and Courage of Your Convictions

Trading Opening Range Breakouts

Psychological Risk Management

The Epistemology of Trading Expertise

Why Traders Self Sabotage

Why Traders Don't Trade Their Plans

Steps Toward Joining a Prop Firm

Underconfidence and Overconfidence in Trading

Using Imagery to Accelerate Behavior Change

Ten Principles of Short-Term Trading

Winning Trades vs. Making Money

Trading and Learning Styles

Assessing the Learning Styles of Traders

One of My Best Market Posts

Trader as Entrepreneur

When Traders Lose Confidence - Part One, Part Two, Part Three

Five Steps Toward Self-Coaching

Very Important Post on Trading and Pain

Life Lessons From Mali

Trading and Emotional Well-Being

Our Moods and Our Trading; Here is a Mood Questionnaire

Our Emotional Style

Coping Strategies; Stress and Coping; Coping and Intuition; Assessing Your Coping Style

Improving Your Coping

Goal Setting for Traders

How Problem Patterns Develop

The Importance of Emotional Experience in Change

Making the Right Decisions Under Conditions of Fear

Using Emotion to Change Emotion

Making Cool Decisions With a Hot Head

Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Trading

Trading and Worry

Trading With a Philosophy

Somatic Markers During Trading

The Psychology of Losing
Knowing Your Strengths

Emotional Balance in Trading

Identifying Your Edge

The Cognitive Development of Traders

Ten Short-Term Trading Guidelines

Regret and Trading

Keys to Emotional Resilience in Trading

How to Change Yourself

Self-Evaluation and Success

Preparing for the Day's Trade

Four Common Trading Problems

Trade Like a Card Counter

Finding Your Voice as a Trader

Considerations RE: Trading for a Living

Common Stresses Faced by Traders

Stress and Cognitive Regression

The Psychology of Scarcity and Abundance

Self-Confidence and Performance

Six Positive Trading Behaviors

Signs of Burnout

Cultivating Self-Awareness

Trading and Anxiety

Turning Setbacks Into Goals

Trading Myths and Questionable Assumptions

Achieving Emotional Self-Regulation

When Trading Performance Declines

Predictors of Coaching Success

Greatness, Happiness, and Performance

Physical Exercise, Self-Efficacy, and Well-Being

Living a Purposeful Life

The Brain and Trading Performance